Thursday, March 31, 2011

Baking - Tiffany Donuts

I like to pretend I am a decent baker. I love doing it so much that I have decided you are going to have to see posts about my baking too. Just because I said so. And because it brings me joy.  So deal.  It's  a bad habit for the waistline, but good for a creative outlet. Maybe I will just take all the treats to the office and make Dad fat instead. Yes, good plan indeed.....muah ah aha hahahaha

SO I purchased a mini donut pan. What else was I to do? Hunt down a recipe and go! These donuts are actually very light and fluffy. The recipe called for buttermilk (icky) and vanilla bean seeds.  Yes. Seeds. If you can tell me where to find those ( because I can tell you it is NOT at the local Kroger) then I will add them in next time. Otherwise, these donuts shall remain of the seedless variety.

Sad thing is, I might just be better at taking photos of baked treats that I am at taking pictures of Alex. At least baked goods sit very still. 

Gotta go. I need to pack up some donuts to take to work tomorrow to make Dad fat show Dad how much I care!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Very pretty Kate!!