Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So, long time no post

It's been a while sine I last posted. Don't blame me. Blame Google. Apparently they were going through some changes, and by changes I mean something that disables me from uploading anything to the blog!

The only reason I can post this is because I thought I would sit down and give it one more shot before I gave up on it entirely. 

SO this post will be short and sweet because quite frankly, I did not expect this to actually work and didn't make the time to really put a good post together. AND I'm hungry. 

There are quite a few events I suppose I could/should post about, but Christmas is probably the most significant, so I will start with that.  We had a big Christmas this year. It was the first year that Alex really believed in Santa so you bet Allen and I used that to our advantage with the discipline. It goes a little something like this,

"Oh, Alex.  I guess I better get on the phone and call Santa. I know he would want to know that you aren't being a good boy so close to Christmas..."

I even went so far as to actually make a phone call in front of him a couple of times. Now that is good acting because not laughing while you are fake talking to fake Santa and watching your poor son's little heart fall out on the floor while you are doing it is quite something. 

Graham's first Christmas!!!!!

Dad dressed up as Santa and came through the front door. BLEW. THEIR. MINDS.  Although just after Santa left Alex turned to me and said, "Santa sure sounds a lot like Pop"  

In awe of the fat man in red

Ruby looks so pretty in her Christmas dress. Boys are so much harder to make look nice.  A collared short is about as nice as Alex gets.   :(

Mom gave Allen the funniest pair of sweet pants that look like jeans.  So funny. He actually wore them in front of me the other day and it took me 30 minutes to notice them. 

A dapper dog. Chops in his holiday collar. 

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